How do you write 0.0000140 in scientific notation?

Scientific notation proves to be a powerful tool for simplifying small or large numbers, making them more manageable in various scientific and mathematical contexts. In this guide, we’ll delve into the process of converting the decimal number 0.0000140 into scientific notation.

0.0000140 in scientific notation is 1.4×10−5

Stepwise Conversion

Step 1: Identify the Non-Zero Digits

For 0.0000140, the first non-zero digit is 1. This digit, along with the subsequent non-zero digits, guides our conversion.

Step 2: Express as a Decimal Between 1 and 10

Move the decimal point to the right of the first non-zero digit, creating a decimal between 1 and 10. In this case, we obtain 1.4.

0.0000140 in scientific notation convert

Step 3: Determine the Exponent

Count the number of decimal places you moved the decimal point. Since we moved it five places to the right, the exponent is −5.

Step 4: Formulate in Scientific Notation

Combine the decimal from Step 2 and the exponent from Step 3 to articulate the number in scientific notation. For 0.0000140, the result is 1.4×10−5.

Quick Tips for Rapid Conversions

  1. Focus on Non-Zero Digits: Begin your conversion process by identifying the first non-zero digit in the number.
  2. Decimal Placement: Move the decimal point to the right of the first non-zero digit, forming a decimal between 1 and 10.
  3. Count Decimal Places: Determine the number of places the decimal point was moved. This count establishes the exponent’s value.
  4. Positive or Negative Exponent: If you shifted the decimal to the left, the exponent is positive; if to the right, the exponent is negative.
  5. Combine Decimal and Exponent: Express the number as a×10n, where a is the decimal and n is the exponent.

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